Song info/credits
“Can’t Go Home” is the title track of Josie Bello’s debut CD (2019). New Josie Bello album out soon!

Song info/credits
Can’t Go Home is the title track to Josie Bello’s debut CD. New Josie Bello music out soon!

Words & Music written by Josie Bello
vocal, accordion & acoustic guitar: Josie Bello
background vocals: Kelly & Kat
electric guitar & bass: Mike Nugent
drums: Jonathan Mele
Video produced by Chris Pati @ IndiMusicTV

Song info/credits
“Can’t Go Home” is the title track of Josie Bello’s debut CD (2019). New Josie Bello album out soon!

Credits: Words & Music , vocal, accordion, acoustic guitar: Josie Bello
background vocals: Kelly & Kat
electric guitar, bass: Mike Nugent
drums: Jonathan Mele

Video produced by Chris Pati,

Song purchase link