Having released four brand new tracks in 2023 after a break working with a chorus, I have teamed up with Strange World Music. Lindsay Jupp is a very talented writer who just happened to like a track I’d recorded in the 90’s that never got any further than a demo. I recorded ‘Pleasure Trip’ with producer Olli Daffarn at Blue Dot Studios
– we had been working together for a while so it was only natural to work together on this project for the vocal production. The result when released got really positive feedback. We have now released a further track which I wrote with Lindsay’s input (Move On) and I was blown away with how it sounded when completed! Strange World Music has its own Website where there are several tracks available to stream and download. As a team we more tracks on the way – including a Christmas Track! Watch this space…

Link to the latest music

Where are you based?

How long have you been making music?
since the 80’s

What genre would you consider your music to be?

What inspired you to pursue a career in music?
I have always been a natural singer, it just fell into place really, then I began serious vocal lessons and it went from there really

What are your biggest musical influences?
I love all music, I have two radio shows with TransRadioUk where I get to play all the music I like

Are you signed to a label or are you an independent artist?
Independent currently

What have been the biggest challenges in your music career?
Finding time to promote….when you are doing it all yourself it can be hard going sometimes!

How many songs or albums have you released to date?
Strange World Music have released a lot of tracks. I have only last year really actually released my own tracks, I usually worked on other artists tracks, like demos and guide vocals…or backing vocals.

Can you tell us a few things about your latest release?
When I first heard Pleasure Trip I just knew it was for me! and I know a lot of listeners will feel the same. The complications of relationships. Move On the second release I wrote myself and Lindsay tweaked the lyrics for me…thats about ‘going it alone’ and Moving On….

Any plans for new music or upcoming projects we should know about?
Yes….new tracks already in the pipeline including a Christmas Release