Release info/credits
Foreign to me is all about relationships, not just romantic relationships but friends and family.
I always write about stuff I know about, stuff that I have experienced myself or someone close to me has experienced. My philosophy is, you can not write heartfelt and connecting lyrics, if you have not experienced it.
And that is my mission with my music, to connect with people and to show that they are not alone in what shit they are going through in life, we all have something we can connect on, and help one another.
I have not been treated well in most of my friendships and by a couple of boyfriends. The song is about your feelings when you finally find someone who treats you in a respectful manner, like a queen or king, a special friend or just a shoulder to lean on or count on.
You are in the mindset of this is just can’t believe it, and that you deserve to be treated that way. it’s so “foreign to me”.